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  • Writer's pictureKalypso Offshore

America’s Increasing Demand for Renewables and Offshore Power Generation

Updated: Apr 12

As the world increasingly moves towards renewable energy, offshore renewable projects are gaining more attention and momentum. In the US, offshore wind has been spearheading the push towards renewables with some notable projects.

Development of US Renewables

One of these projects is the 800 MW Vineyard Wind project located off the coast of Massachusetts. This project is set to be the first large-scale offshore wind farm in the US and is expected to provide enough energy to power more than 400,000 homes. The project was approved by the federal government in May 2021 after facing delays for several years due to concerns about its impact on commercial fishing and wildlife.

The future of American offshore wind farms

In addition to Vineyard Wind, several other offshore wind projects are currently under development across the US. These include the 132 MW South Fork Wind Farm off the coast of Long Island, New York and the 2.6 GW Dominion Energy Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project off the coast of Virginia.

Offshore wind isn't the only offshore renewable energy source that's gaining momentum in the US. Ocean energy technologies like wave and tidal energy are also being developed in the country. Blue Energy, a Scottish company, is planning to develop a wave energy project in Newport, Oregon with the aim of producing up to 20 MW by 2025. The project will use Blue Energy's patented Oyster wave energy converter technology.

The US is also looking to explore offshore floating solar panels as a way of generating renewable energy. In September 2020, the US Department of Energy awarded $21 million in funding to a project aimed at developing offshore solar farms. The aim is to develop hybrid systems that combine floating solar panels with offshore wind turbines.

Increase In Demand

The growth in offshore renewables in the US has been driven by a combination of factors. One of these is the increasing demand for clean energy as the world becomes more aware of the dangers of climate change. Another factor is the potential for offshore renewables to provide a significant amount of energy while minimizing land use and avoiding potential conflicts with other land-based developments.

While offshore renewables in the US still face significant regulatory, technological and financial challenges, the growing interest and investment in these projects is a sign that the country is moving in the right direction towards a more sustainable future.


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